Brokers who have not completed Marketplace registration and training for Plan Year 2023 are at risk of having their access to Marketplace systems revoked. To avoid losing your Marketplace access for Open Enrollment before November 1, you must complete Plan Year 2023 Marketplace registration and training by October 23, 2022.
Failure to complete registration for Plan Year 2023 will result in a loss of your Marketplace access and your ability to assist new and existing clients with enrolling in Marketplace coverage.
To ensure you don’t lose your Marketplace access and applicable compensation, you must update your profile, complete the required Marketplace training, and sign the required Agreement(s). You must complete all these steps by Sunday, October 23, 2022.
Log into the CMS Enterprise Portal to get started!
You can use the Marketplace Registration Tracker to track your previous progress by entering your ZIP Code and the National Producer Number listed in your agent/broker profile in the CMS Enterprise Portal. You can confirm that you have completed registration and training by checking the Registration Completion List.
The information herein should not be construed as legal or tax advice in any way. This content is provided for informational purposes only. You should seek the advice of your attorney or tax consultant for additional or specific information.