Employee Wellness 
Provide your employees with the latest wellness newsletter with the October edition of Live Well, Work Well. Also available in Spanish.
Educate employees about their benefits with the October Benefits & Me Newsletter.
Medicare Part D: Creditable Coverage Notices Due by October 14, 2022
Employers with group health plans that provide prescription drug coverage must notify Medicare Part D eligible individuals by October 14 of each year about whether the drug coverage is at least as good as the Medicare Part D coverage. This notice is important because Medicare beneficiaries who are not covered by creditable prescription drug coverage and who choose not to enroll in Medicare Part D before the end of their initial enrollment period will likely pay higher premiums if they enroll in Medicare Part D at a later date.
The Employee Benefits websites that our team has created for you already have these notices generated based on your current plan. You may forward your employees the link to your Employee Benefits website and direct them to the Creditable Coverage Notices. Please let our team know if you have any questions about the notices.
You may click here to learn more about Medicare Part D Notices.
Medicare News
Medicare Part B Premiums Will Drop by 3% Next Year
Medicare Must Grant Access to New Alzheimer's Treatment
Don't Make this Costly Medicare Mistake
IngenioRx is Becoming CarelonRx
Anthem's pharmacy benefit manager, IngenioRx, will change its name to CarelonRx on January 1, 2023. Additionally, IngenioRx Home Delivery Pharmacy will become CarelonRx Mail and IngenioRx Specialty Pharmacy will become CarelonRx Specialty Pharmacy.
The name changes will not impact members’ benefits, coverage, or how they fill their prescriptions. In addition to their mail and specialty pharmacies, Anthem members can continue to fill their prescriptions at any in-network retail pharmacy. They will not need new prescriptions for current medications.
CarelonRx will be part of Carelon, a new healthcare service brand that blends a powerful suite of solutions to solve complex challenges and support whole health across the healthcare continuum.
HR Insights 
What Employers Should Know About Prior Authorization
ACA Pay or Play Penalties Increase for 2023
Ban on Surprise Medical Billing
BCBS (NC) Telehealth Policy
After a two-year review of the company's telehealth claims data, Blue Cross NC has released a new telehealth policy taking effect in 2023. The new telehealth policy will cover services for behavioral health, primary care, and outpatient visits, which accounted for more than 97% of telehealth claims received during the last two years.
The new telehealth policy will apply to all Blue Cross NC fully insured and administrative services only (ASO) plans, including the State Health Plan. However, it does not apply to Blue Cross NC members receiving care from out-of-state providers.
The information herein should not be construed as legal or tax advice in any way. This content is provided for informational purposes only. You should seek the advice of your attorney or tax consultant for additional or specific information.